Not Your Money to Give

Not Your Money to Give

Hal shares stories of successful activists, and how we need to take a stand if we are to win this country back.

He ends with a discussion of Janet Yellen’s recent visit to Ukraine where she gave  Zelenski a blank check by sharing a story about Davy Crocket who too at one point, gave away money that was not his to give.

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Hal Shurtleff
[email protected]

Harold “Hal” Shurtleff is the co-founder of Camp Constitution, an all-volunteer association first formed in 2009 in Massachusetts. The camp offers classes and workshops on a number of subjects including U.S. history, the U.S. Constitution, current events, and how to be a freedom activist. Hal serves as the Camp’s director while in session. Throughout the remainder of the year he operates a radio show, delivers addresses to groups large and small, publishes books and other material, hosts a blog, and manages a YouTube channel and several social media outlets.