The Gospel of ‘Yuval Harari’ Targets Children

The Gospel of ‘Yuval Harari’ Targets Children

Having published the first of four children’s books, Yuval Harari is now targeting children.

Kathleen’s guest, Deborah DeGroff lays out why we must pay attention to the message this man is pushing as he attempts to distort and twist history to enlist children in his evil agenda.

This book, along with a teacher’s guide and the others in the series, will most likely end up in classrooms across this nation soon.

Order Debbie’s book Between the Covers: What’s Inside Children’s Books here.

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Kathleen Marquardt
[email protected]

Kathleen Marquardt has been an advocate for property rights and freedom for decades. While not intending to be an activist, she has become a leader and an avid supporter of constitutional rights, promoter of civility, sound science, and reason. She is dedicated to exposing the fallacies of the radical environmental and animal rights movements. She has been featured in national publications including Fortune, People, the Washington Post, and Field and Stream, as well as television news programs such as Hard Copy, The McLaughlin Group, Geraldo, and many others. Today, she serves as Vice President of American Policy Center. Kathleen now writes and speaks on Agenda21/2030, and its threat to our culture and our system of representative government.