Lies Democrats Tell Black People to Keep Them Under Control

Lies Democrats Tell Black People to Keep Them Under Control

Hal is jointed by Vince Ellison, author of The Iron Triangle and 25 Lies: Exposing Democrats’ Most Dangerous, Seductive, Damnable, Destructive Lies and How to Refute Them.

Listen to Vince as he describes the lies that Democrats tell Black people to keep them under control, and as he shares his vision on how healing the divide between black and white Christians and black and white Conservatives will allow us to hit with one giant fist and change the world.

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Hal Shurtleff
[email protected]

Harold “Hal” Shurtleff is the co-founder of Camp Constitution, an all-volunteer association first formed in 2009 in Massachusetts. The camp offers classes and workshops on a number of subjects including U.S. history, the U.S. Constitution, current events, and how to be a freedom activist. Hal serves as the Camp’s director while in session. Throughout the remainder of the year he operates a radio show, delivers addresses to groups large and small, publishes books and other material, hosts a blog, and manages a YouTube channel and several social media outlets.